Thursday, July 5, 2012

I'm MORMON ?! What...

Be forewarned...this is a very religious post! So, it's true, I'm LDS. Mormon. LDS. Whatever you want to call it. I was thinking about this lately, because there's been SO much negative media about the LDS church. I'm on Twitter, and I've noticed a lot of anti-LDS articles and reader's comments coming from The Salt Lake Tribune. I'm pretty sure all the new hype with mormon's has a lot to do with Romney running for president. I'm not saying all the new spotlight on the LDS church is bad, a lot of it is good; but a lot of it is bad. I was thinking the other day, I would much rather be LDS (like I am) and be the one being made fun of, talked bad about, etc.; than be on the other side, and be the one doing the bad mouthing and making fun of other people. I can tell you, that for me, the LDS church is more than just church. It's somewhere I can go on Sunday's, and get away from everything. Now, granted, I've only been going back to church for four months now, so it's still new to me, but I love it so much. I love the feeling I get when I go to church or even when I read church material (books, scriptures, etc.). The years I was away from the church, I wasn't happy in comparison to how happy I am now. I know Tyler has a lot to do with my happiness right now, but I know that most of it is church. Looking back, I don't know why I spent so many years feeling how I was feeling. I remember being so sad and feeling so alone and upset, I would just cry in my room asking God to take away all the pain I was feeling and to help me do what He wanted me to do. I remember begging him to just take me away from the world and the pain. I remember sometimes feeling so alone, so bitter, so angry. I looked back on the person who I was and wished so bad I could be that person again. Now, I'm not dismissing other religions, and I'm sure people of other religions feel the same way about their church. But the LDS church is where, I personally, feel the happiest and most at peace. I'm so glad God didn't take away my pain, because I wouldn't have learned anything. I had to find my own way back. I had to work through the pain and heartache to find out who I really am and who I really want to be. My ex and his dad are anti-LDS. They would always say negative things about the church. They would find anything and everything to spin and make the church look false and dumb. I would sometimes fall into these traps. I would find reasons to hate the church and to think that it's false. Looking back at these claims I would make, they don't make sense now. I soon realized that by doing that to the church, I was being very hypocritical. Me, on the outside, was judging the church and the people of the church; but then I was judging them, based on my assumption that they were judging me. How is that right? It's not. It's very wrong. I can't expect my actions and thoughts to be justified when those thoughts are the very thing that I'm judging the LDS church for. That's like me getting upset at my brother for not sweeping the floor, when I don't sweep the floor either. It doesn't make sense, right? But there are so many people that do that! Judging is very common, and everyone does it. But to be hypocritical, that's another thing. I finally realized that this was so wrong, and I really didn't have a valid reason for being so against the church. I decided I wanted to go back. The LDS church teaches you to love everyone. The media makes it out that the church is anti-gay, anti-everything. They make it sound like the LDS church is a brain washing cult and they are strict. This is not the case at all. The church makes you feel loved and wanted. It makes you feel like you're worth something and you have a purpose in this life. I know that I would hate to be that person who is so hateful towards something. I would hate to carry that around, harbor those bitter and horrible feelings. I've witnessed how it is when someone gets hateful feelings everytime anything reminds them of that thing they hate. How can people live like that? They must be so uptight all the time. The anger just boils up inside of them and then bursts out when that thing they hate shows up in the tiniest way. I just know I would never want to feel like that. The LDS church teaches us to love everyone and to treat everyone with respect, no matter their background or who they are. Jesus would never make fun of anyone, make them feel stupid, or treat them like they are lower than him. This is what I strive for everyday, to not be prideful, to not think I'm better than someone, and to treat everyone with love. I want people to know they can come up to me without thinking I'll say something rude or judge them. I want people to leave me happy, not upset. I don't want to be that kind of person that you talk to and you know they'll talk about you behind your back. I want to become a better person everyday. Anyway, this is such a random post. Sorry! It's probably something that shouldn't be posted, but I feel strongly about it and wanted to share it!


  1. To me, being mormon is not just a religious. It's more of a lifestyle. The church is not just a place where I can go on Sunday and get hugs from those little cuties in my nursery but it's more of how I live my life during the week. The church has been judged so much because it is DIFFERENT. We are different(not better just different). We are taught to be different from the world sometimes. And as you know how this world rolls, in order be accepted and fit in you will have to be just like the rest, you have to do things just like most of the people do regardless how right or wrong they are.

    I know the church is true because it has changed my life and more over I have seen people that left the church and how they lifes gone down or not progressing anywhere. My life would not be down hill if I did not join the church but I would not have found the happiness and peace I have found.

  2. I totally agree with you, Mink! The LDS church is a lifestyle, and that's what I love about it! I love how happy it makes me living this way. I love how everyday we can be reminded what we're working towards, and why we need to live this kind of lifestyle. People might think that it's restricted, but it actually makes you more free. People can judge us because we're "different" but I don't care. We are different from who and what the world tells us to be, but based on how happy it makes me, I'm going to keep living this way. Thanks for being a good example, Mink!! Love you!
