Thursday, June 28, 2012

It's all because of Mink...

So...I don't know how to blog, and do all the cutesy stuff! But my sister Mink, she started me on this blogging thing. She started a blog, and it looked fun, so now I am! :) Tyler and I met in February, and we are getting married in October. I know...I know...I always, ALWAYS made fun of those people! I had a rule when I first met Tyler, I told him that I had to date someone for two years before getting engaged. After a few weeks, that turned to one year. One year, that was my rule! No getting engaged for one year, Tyler. So, it turns out...two months later, Tyler and I were engaged. Call me crazy, you can, I judged so many people for doing the same thing, I deserve it. I've had my share of bad experiences, just like everyone has. So to me, two years was not long at all. I had found out a lot of bad things after one year...a year and a half..etc. I've been engaged twice, and both times turned out pretty ugly. The first time, he decided he didn't want all the responsibility, and left me. He moved to South Carolina with his dad and step mom. I'm pretty sure that was one of the most painful things that has happened to me. After a few months, he wanted to get back together. We dated again, he moved back. Big mistake. So the second time is a very long story, but it didn't work out, and it ended bad. I thought all hope was lost for me, and my wedding dress hanging in my parents basement would never be used. I'm LDS, but I hadn't been to church for about 6 or 7 years. So, by the end of my second failed engagement, I just didn't want anything to do with it. I was thinking I would just date for fun, and have fun, live my life, and who cares what happens. The months went on, and I started talking to random guys all over the place. I went on dates with them, I planned dates with a few of them. None of them really did it for me. I was excited when a couple of them text me, but nothing that I was really interested in, and that I would be really upset if they stopped talking to me. That sounds mean, but it's true. So then I started talking to Tyler. We met on Twitter, he saw a tweet that I sent that mentioned the Utes football team (go figure). So we started talking on Twitter, then I gave him my phone number, and we went out. He took me to a Grizzlies hockey game. My brother, Bryce, found out he was he turned on his music really, really loud and was sure to pick one that swore a lot. (That's just Bryce). Bryce was dancing on the stairs when Tyler knocked on the door, it was really funny. I opened the door, and I don't remember what I felt. I think I was too embarassed from Bryce, so I said something stupid mentioning Bryce dancing and playing his music for Tyler. haha. He opened the car door for me, and we were off on our date! In the car, he had a book, it's called 100 Things Utah Fans Should Know Before They Die, or something like that. I was so excited because I had asked my sister for that book for my birthday (my birthday was the following week). We talked about Utah football, we talked about everything. Tyler seemed genuine, and he was so easy to talk to. One thing I do remember very well, was the pants he was wearing..haha. Ok, don't think I'm a creep, but I've always like the pants guys wear...I think it makes their look! So if they wear ugly pants, then it makes them look bad, in my eyes. Tyler had really nice pants on. Anyway, he bought me dinner at the game. It was so much fun. Our date was on a Wednesday night, so we had to get back early. As we were driving back, we still had good conversation. He walked me up to my door, and gave me a hug. I don't remember thinking anything fabulous at this point, but it was nice. I wasn't sure about going back to church at this point, so I was kind of worried if he was LDS, he wouldn't want to date me. So I remember trying to guard myself from being hurt, and trying not to read too much into our date. The next day, I text him and thanked him for the date, and told him how much fun I had. He text me back, and we texted a little more that day. Tyler asked me out for my birthday the following Monday. We went to a movie, and that's when he held my hand for the first time. It was so sweet. We went back to my house after and hung out. That following Saturday, he took me to a Utes basketball game. After this, we went to my house and hung out again. He didn't kiss me till this date. It was soo nice. Anyway, this is getting way too long. But I found out he had just gotten back from a mission in June or July of 2011, and he was, obviously LDS. He never pushed me to go back to church, even though he knew I hadn't been. He actually never asked me if I was going back or anything. He never judged me, he never made me do anything I wasn't ready for. He was so sweet to me, still is. I started going back to church, and now, I'll be able to get my temple recommend back in September, and Tyler and I are getting sealed in the temple October 11, 2012! I'm so exccited. By the way, Tyler had this girl after him when we first met. She was his ex's friend or something. He told me she was pretty upset when he told her that he didn't want to see her anymore, and that he had a girlfriend. He also said that some lady his family knew emailed him and tried to set him up with her daughter. Ya..he's a wanted man. jk :) But really, I'm so glad I beat out all those girls, and of course, Tyler was way above any of those guys I was seeing. Our relationship keeps getting stronger, and my love for him grows more everyday. We are learning about each other, and how to work together. I love him so much, and I can't wait to be sealed to him so I know we'll be together for all time and eternity, and I never have to be without him! I wouldn't want it any other way. The road back to church is hard, but that's for another post. Sorry about this long novel!